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User identification

* Compulsory field
Identification number *
Health Insurance Number *
Expiry date *
Online verification of status
The Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec would like you to complete a brief questionnaire so that it may verify your registration status for the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan.
The provisions concerning the protection of personal information stipulate that the information requested is needed to conduct the verification.
For each question, please read the complementary information available. At any time, you can correct an answer by clicking on "Return." You can also quit the session and start over later.
Completion of the questionnaire will enable the Régie to determine and inform you of your registration status for the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan. A confirmation letter will then be mailed to you.
Please note that this service can only be used by persons having recently received a letter from the Régie concerning the verification of their registration status for the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan and in which their identity number appears.
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© Gouvernement du Québec, 2007